The East African Budget Network (EABN) is, “A Civil Society platform that influences for prudent Fiscal policy, Monetary policy and Budget accountability that advance economic integration of East African Community” (See ). Beyond individuals, Civil Society is herein also taken in consideration of, “…..a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations” (See: .

Though its functional existence was on 12th June 2018, the East African Budget Network (EABN) was formally established in Arusha- Tanzania in March 2019 by 10 Civil Society Organizations from the then 6 States of the East African Community (EAC): Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. This was in response to a gap of limited or no citizens’ ownership and participation in the inter-territorial monetary and fiscal policies, plus the broader influencing of public finance management beyond the Government bureaucrats (Technocrats and Politicians). As such the EABN historical mission and outlook is a “Wananchi/ Citizens-centered EAC”. Moreover, EABN is rooted in the Pan-African development philosophy as enshrined in the African Agenda (2013–2063), but with EAC structures, agenda and processes as an entry point.

The Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG)–Uganda, together with Centre for Economic Policy and Priorities (CEPP)-Rwanda, conceived the idea for citizens’ influencing of the public finance affairs for integration under EAC. The two institutions made initial consultations with other likeminded organizations in the East African region. After 3 major consultative engagements in Kigali (June 2018), Nairobi (November 2018) and Arusha (March 2019), a Charter of Principles for cooperation was signed by members to formally subscribe to, define the focus and operations of EABN. The EABN formally introduced itself to the EAC Secretariat and is also registered with the East African Civil Society Organizations Forum (EACSOF) for synergy. On governance structure, the current Chairperson of EABN is Rwanda while the Secretariat is in Uganda, with a Steering Committee representation from all the 6 EAC States.